Number one and featured in featured snippets, it now appears only in featured snippets . Is this a big problem? You may think, "Isn't it displayed at the top of the search results?" Unfortunately, not all natural search links are created equal. Each featured snippet looks different, so there's no way to know which one is more likely to generate a click. In fact, some featured snippets have a much lower click-through rate than if they appeared higher in organic search results . Left: No featured snippet. 26% of clicks occur on the #1 URL. Right side: Featured snippet included. 8.6% of clicks occur on featured snippets. 19.6% of clicks occur in organic search results that appear directly below the featured snippet. Currently, being featured in a featured snippet can result in you losing up to 50% of the clicks you would have received as a result. If a featured snippet is selected, it may be more pleasing to see it included in regular organic search results, even if it is considered a de facto number two.
You are being asked to make a very difficult choice. Should it be included in the featured snippets that appear at the top of all organic search results? Or should you prefer to stay within normal organic search results? This is where "On-SERP SEO" comes into play. The above selection should be judged based on the Belgium Phone Number Data criteria of each search result. What will get you more clicks? Informational featured snippets with third-party information (e.g. someone's image, a related topic, etc.) that appear at the top of search results A rich snippet that satisfies a commercial intent. Clickable to your website Validation requires testing, but in this case I prefer rich snippets, even if they appear at the bottom of featured snippets. Next question. Which elements should be optimized for this specific search result? Related searches, popular products, recipes, search suggestions, etc.
Are all factors to optimize for (besides organic search results). This kind of analysis is what we need for our core target keywords. Optimization for “On-SERP SEO” The first thing to do is identify what content and tactics will help you optimize for each query . The type of content that is most useful varies by search result. So the first step is to actually search for your target keyword on Google. Search on both mobile and desktop to determine what action you need to take. If you want to scale this work, think about the query syntax rather than the query itself. Kevin Indig has written more details here . Currently, Google's search results are made up of two groups of elements. On-SERP elements we can optimize On-SERP elements that change the buyer journey 1. On-SERP elements that we can optimize Google adds useful features to search results based on data Google maintains.