They have specific characteristics
Let's see the formula Revenue of the campaign / Cost of the campaign For example, if your company invests in a Facebook campaign in a month and this campaign generates a return of Let's see the formula in detail.For every euro invested the company obtains a 5 times higher return. social media roi Social Media ROI: from the era of platforms to the era of relationships Many companies are not willing to invest time and money on social media, because they do not believe in their return in monetary terms even if times are now changing even for the most "analog" companies.You can't blame them all, but social media has enormous, still untapped potential and can generate a lot of revenue if used correctly. The Cost Per Lead (CPL) is among the lowest in most economic sectors. The first piece of advice is to give space to imagination web designs and development service and creativity, both qualities in fact favor the success of a digital campaign. Sharing creative posts or creating a blog full of curiosities serves to attract the user and bring them to your website. Returning to the previous discussion, it is true that these visits rarely turn into an immediate purchase. However, these same visitors return to your website the next day, after two weeks or a month.
Perhaps even referring word of mouth to friends and colleagues, and decide to place an order. Isn't this a source of revenue for the company generated by social networks? Of course it is, social media can generate even high economic returns. What matters is defining a targeted strategy to measure social media's return on investment (ROI). It is clear to everyone that we have moved from the era of platforms to the era of relationships. We see this from successful brands like H&M and KLM who use data (data science) to demonstrate the value of social media activities.